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 Lilies for Michi (Michelle)

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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Mon May 21, 2012 1:14 pm

William had just finished work and was now at his favourite Italian restaurant ‘La Primavera’. Beside him lay a big bouquet of pink lilies which he had picked up from the office – every evening the flowers that decorated the office were free to a good home, and William had the perfect person to give these to tonight.

Smiling slightly as he got out his phone, he sent the text ‘Evening, Ice Fairy. Any plans for this evening, or would you like to join me for dinner…?’

[La Primavera – the Spring]
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Mon May 21, 2012 8:44 pm

Mich was hanging out at lab despite her shift was already over. She just fooled around and messed with Ryan's locker and Jane's stuff while both were sent to shower after ice-cream incident earlier.
Suddenly her phone let out a deep sigh and strange sound echoed through locker room.
With a cheeky grin girl read the text. Mich had to grab bench for support so she suddenly doesn't start some freak African joy dance.
She sent reply: 'Hello prince, for now my only plans are to hook up Ryan and Patrick but yours sounds more appealing right now. I'll get my bike and be there in light speed.'

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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Mon May 21, 2012 11:01 pm

Only a few minutes passed and Will's phone vibrated, announcing that he had a reply. Ah Michelle, speedy as always. As he read the text, he couldn't help the grin that lit up his face. 'Excellent. Can't wait to see you. I'm at 'La Primavera'. Though I could pick you up if you wanted to. Save you from more exercise haha,' he texted back, his eyes sparkling in anticipation of spending a lovely evening with Michelle. Especially since in Michelle's presence, boredom was never an option.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue May 22, 2012 7:17 am

Girl started dancing when next text arrived. She glanced around spotting another devious face and quickly handed over sneaky plans to blue haired girl. Both smirked at each other and Ali promised to send the result back to Michi.

Then pink haired Michi send reply to Will: 'Awesome be there in few. Don't worry, I can be very quick, besides must keep in shape." she giggled before hitting 'send' button. Then in a flash was down by her melat horse and on the way, singing some song that had stuck to her after Patrick had chanted it whole day long.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue May 22, 2012 6:24 pm

William chuckled at her text. "Yeah, I definitely know how fast you can be. Especially on the ice. But fairies are generally fast, aren't they? So I doubt I'll be waiting long," he joked through text. For a moment his gaze rested on the bouquet of the pretty pink blossoms and a small smile played on his lips.
"A bottle of Moscato, per favore," he asked of his favourite waiter, who'd come over to see if he wanted to order yet. "Two glasses."
The waiter smiled. "Certo, signore. Un momento," he replied before heading off, leaving William alone with his thoughts. He wasn't sure exactly what kind of wine Michelle would like. In all honesty he wasn't even sure he'd ever seen her drinking wine. But the wine that he'd ordered was sweet and sparkling; two words that described his Ice Fairy perfectly.

[Certo, signore. Un momento - Certainly, Sir. One moment]
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue May 22, 2012 7:32 pm

She was already out of Crime Lab's territory when next text came. She read it before taking off at full speed.

"Aww my prince. You know we are very fast, ice or not. So just relax." with a giggle Mich hit 'send' button on her phone's screen and then put it back in her skirt pocket. She really hoped they won't mind her slightly gothic appearance. Although she guessed Will wouldn't mind her dressing style. For Mich clothes never really mattered, only the person wearing them. But clothes usually helped to tell things, or, just conveniently, for some fun.

With a smirk girl grabbed steering handles put on her bicyclist glasses and gloves. Now Ice Fairy was fully ready.

And without hesitation girl slammed her feet on pedals, shooting off towards the traffic with a speed of a wind. Her bicycle had even police lights and sound. But not today. Another day she will ride to crime scene with these accessories.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue May 22, 2012 8:45 pm

Will's cheeks took on a pink tinge as she called him her prince. That was sweet. He really liked Michelle and her using a cute nickname with him was really sweet. Figuring she was already on her way, he turned his phone on vibrate and pocketed it, just as his waiter arrived with two glasses.
"Here you are. For you and your lovely friend," he said with a grin, before departing again.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Wed May 23, 2012 2:48 am

And just as she'd promised, fast as lightning and not too long after last message, Michi waltzed into restaurant, a swirl of wind blown leaves danced behind her as wind carried through the door.

Girl beamed. Dressed in her favourite gothic style clothes- dark blue corsete type dress with purple and pink accented tiered part that reached above her knees. She had black leggings with pink-violet leopard pattern and knee length leather boots with metallic details. As usual variety of accessories hung around her neck and decorated her wrists.

With a smile that could charm fish out of ocean girl spotted her prince and before somebody could start glaring at her outfit slipped in a seat at the table.

"Hey my prince charming! Your favourite Ice Fairy has arrived." Mich said, still beaming.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
Posts : 94

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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Sun May 27, 2012 9:38 pm

As the restaurant door opened, the breeze made William turn, his eyes following the dance of the leaves before they settled on the floor. He looked up. His eyes couldn't help the sparkle that came into them, nor could he stop the grin that lit up his face. Unique, colourful and...beautiful. Because yes, he thought Michelle was beautiful. Something about her eyes. And her never-fading cheerfulness that she brought to the world.

His grin not fading, William reached for Michelle's hand and placed a soft kiss on it. "Wonderful to see you, Miss Ice Fairy. I must say, you were even faster than a snowstorm in Antarctica," he greeted her with a soft chuckle. My Prince Charming; the words stuck in his head and he fought the goofiness that threatened to come over his smile. He suddenly felt much like a teenager with a very teenage-like crush.
"For you, m'dear," he said after a moment, presenting her with the bouquet. "Pink lilies for a pretty pink fairy."
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue May 29, 2012 8:37 am

Michi almost melted. It was rather rare to see true gentleman these days and Will's gesture made her heart flutter happily.
A grin of pure joy spread out on her face.
"Well I'm just lucky to have my own teleportation station. No traffic jams, no annoying drivers wanting to race you over." she almost wanted to cast a spell at couple men in the room that were gawking at her, but paid no mind to them. The only she cared for was The Prince Charming here.

And then flowers appeared... "Oh my!" Michi exclaimed bit louder than needed, probably spooking some people. "Thanks." came out as a mere whisper before she let out a squeal and gave Will a bear-hug, not forgetting kiss him on cheek.
Usually people feared her open reactions and emotions but something told Will won't mind her very cheery being.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:45 pm

Michi looked so happy, so joyous that William's heart swelled with happiness. He enjoyed seeing her happy and enjoyed even more being the one to make her like that. "Well, I'd expect no less from the Ice Fairy Queen," he told her, his eyes sparkling. "After all, you have to have your very own teleportation station, like any true Fairy Queen."

Noticing some people looking their way, he raised his eyebrow at the gawkers, fixing them with a cool look. Gulping slightly, they turned back to their own meals and to mind their own business.

Upon her squeal and bear-hug, his grin became so big he rather resembled the Cheshire Cat. Hugging her tightly back, her placed a kiss on the top of her head. "You're more than welcome, hun," he replied softly, looking into her eyes as they broke apart. His cheek tingled where she'd kissed it and he felt his cheeks turning pink.

"Wine?" he asked after a moment. "I ordered a wine that sounds exactly like you," he added with a light laugh.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:43 am

Michi grinned and said, "Now you know my secret. Just don't tell Patrick, he still has to learn about sonic screwdrivers." she gave a little laugh at that.

Girl smiled and looked into Will's eyes, her own bright ones sparkling. She could see slight pinkish hue on his cheeks. So cute, Michi thought.

"Wine sound awesome. Contrary popular belief I drink them too, not just those spiked up adventurous drinks." girl said, still beaming. There used to be a movie about a Star that came down to earth with a locket that should reveal next king. It quite resembled to what usually Mich did when was uber happy and excited. At least she felt like that Star, that actually glowed when was happy, now and some more times. Only she couldn't see if she really glowed. Or maybe that's why they were gawking at her. It almost brought a giggle out loud.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:33 pm

Will couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Tell him to drop by my office and I’ll teach him. I keep a couple sonic’s there for the kiddies to play with while they’re there with their parents. Helps calm them, playing with such a cool toy. I think I might be raising a Doctor Who obsessed generation,” he added, chuckling at the thought. But at least that was better than the kids being obsessed with one of the many violent shows that children always seemed to watch these days.

He brought his hand up, gently brushing away some hair from her eyes. “You look lovely tonight, by the way,” he told her softly, a sweet smile playing on his lips. “But then again, you always look lovely.

Pulling away, he went and held out Michi’s chair for her, so she could sit down first. He’d been raised like a proper gentleman and especially in such wonderful company such as Michelle’s, he wasn’t going to let his manners run away and hide. Watching her beaming, Will was reminded of a movie he’d seen several years ago. “Michi, have you ever seen Stardust?” The girl looked so radiant that she could almost be glowing. “There was a Star who was on Earth, and when she was happy, she glowed. Well, you remind me of that Star right now. You look so joyous and radiant.” He looked at her for a moment before giving a cheeky grin. “So maybe I should call you Ice Fairy Star now.” Pouring wine into the glasses, he handed her one. “And this wine should be called the ‘Michi Wine’. It’s supposed to be sweet and sparkling – like you.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:45 pm

"Wow that makes it more interesting. I'll tell him, only if Maddy hadn't gotten upper hand in that and taken him straight to TARDIS. I think I'm suspecting our basement rather close to that." girl giggled. "That's the fun, isn't it? It'd be so much fun to see young Doctors running around." Mich beamed. She herself hadn't been really full of knowledge about Doctor and his universe but spending time with Maddy had inspired girl to take a look. And she was immediately drawn to that world.
And now she suspected certain Goldilocks as Doctor himself.

"Aww thanks Prince Charming." Michi beamed, "You look quite stunning yourself." she said, taking offered seat with her signature beaming smile that probably didn't even leave her lips. And she really meant that.

"OMG do you read my thoughts? Oh right you have sonic somewhere and it can do it, right?" girl's eyes widened. "I just had exactly that thought. I really feel like that. That movie was so adorable. I'll make Ryan to buy a DVD and watch it with me.
If I'm that Star, he's one too." now Michelle could feel a bit of glowing from inside. Wait, was she really glowing? Girl cast a glance at her hand, nope, just her regular skin.
"I'll be honored to be your Ice Fairy Star." her grin alone could probably light up whole Florida let alone emotions.
"I think we shall make that wine ourselves. I could add my Fairy magic and it'll be soo joyful." Yeah, that's awesome thought. "I think this wine was here for a reason." Mich winked
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:49 pm

William could help but laugh at the mention of Maddy dragging Patrick into the TARDIS. "Oh that definitely sounds like something she'd do. This is Madison Lewis we're talking about; Patrick has no chance of returning as his normal self. That fangirl's gonna dress him up as the Doctor and drag him into all sorts of crazy adventures. She hasn't painted your basement blue yet, has she?" He could fully imagine the Lewis sisters painting a basement to look like the TARDIS. "Have the Lewis's put you through a Doctor-marathon yet?" he asked, looking at her curiously. By the sounds of things, Michelle would probably like the show. And if she hadn't yet seen it, then he was definitely going to suggest a episode-watching marathon. After all - popcorn, an awesome show, and getting to be close to Mich - what could be better?

A slight blush came into the lawyers cheeks at being called Prince Charming. Funny - not many girls were able to make him blush. There really was something special about Michelle. Going to his own seat he poured her a glass of wine, offering it to her. "Well, sonic's can't read thoughts. But didn't I tell you? I'm actually a bit psychic," he told her with a wink, pouring himself a glass too.

He lifted his glass to propose a toast. "To fairytales, to magic, and to everything exciting and magical," he said with a smile, clinking his glass gently against hers. Yes, that seemed like perfect toast for tonight. Rather, it seemed like a perfect toast when generally around Michelle. The girl radiated some sort of magic. It was bewitching, really.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:49 pm

Mich giggled. "That sure is her way. But I'm guessing our Dandelion isn't too different from Doctor. I keep hearing Sam telling me they're some sort of twins from past century or some alternate universe. I'm thinking he's one of Doctor's reincarnations." girl said thoughtful. "Hmm about that I shall ask our basement specialist himself or my dear brother. He may have mentioned a nice spot for Lewis's in our huge basement but as far as my territory's concerned it's same ol' colour blast." Mich grinned. "Oh I'm sure as soon as our new home cinema arrives we're all going to have Doctor marathon. Can't wait." yeah, they'll defo need to celebrate it with that marathon. Not everyday you get new tv.

"Really it can't? Aww Dandelion thought it can read not only thoughts. On the other hand I think he won't notice. He can read people like books, mister Psychic Prince Charming. I'm sure you two will be having fun chat without the need of speaking." Oh that thought she had to save on her memory drive for future use.

"Cheers to that." girl said as they clinked glasses. A perfect tost for perfect date. And was already feeling like floating with butterflies in her stomach.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:13 am

He couldn't help but laugh at Michi's statement. "Oh he most definitely is. He's what would happened if Ten and Eleven had a kid. Not that they could, but you know what I mean. Ten's good looks, charms and seriousness, and Eleven's quirkiness and fun. When auditions come for the Twelfth Doctor, I am so shipping that man off to England," William said with a nod. Patrick would make an amazing Doctor. "

"Those two have their own reserved spot in your basement? Why does that sound more kinkier than it should?" he asked with a chuckle and a raised eyebrow.

"You're getting a new home cinema? Wow, that sounds awesome! Now, this is the part where I shamelessly invite myself over to participate in said marathon, as long as I bring popcorn and various other snacks. Plus, someone's gotta be there to hold your hand during the scary scenes," he teased her sweetly.

Taking a sip of his wine, Will smiled over his wine-glass. "I can prove my psychic skills if you like. I bet I can correctly tell you what you're thinking right now," he offered, his eyes sparkling.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:32 am

Mich laughed at the not-so-impossible thought "I'm sure even crazier things can happen if Doctors are involved." now there defo will be the need for another house and soon.
"Oh and I'm writing a card for studio that they definately need that man for Twelfth Doctor. Or maybe Thirteenth? That would be even more epic." she suggested.

"Of course they do. Our basement is like the double of house above ground level. Everyone gets a spot, even two if needed.
I swear that house's original owner was a magician. Houdini himself probably.
And not only that sounds kinkier than everything else.
The whole place is like 'The Kinkiness Palace'." Good that Ry isn't here, Mich thought.

"Yeah, not only that. Ryan decided to finally move on with TV room and Patrick offered his credit card. Of course, bit of heated discussion but eventually my stubborn bro had to accept the offer. I think I threatened him with something he feared I'll do..." Yeah, what was that? Now she couldn't guess anymore. "Don't worry. I think I already put your name on the wall for them to know how big sofa we'll need and how many other furniture is welcomed. The room is huge. That movie theater Downtown can't beat it." girl said with a giggle. Maybe they won't need another house. Suddenly this one seemed like mansion.

Michi eyed William while took a sip of her wine. "Okay. Show off." mischief sparkled in her eyes.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:47 pm

"You know, we should just get some cameras following him and the rest of the gang around. And we can make our own Miami Doctor Who. We'd make millions, because all the girls will be wanting a copy so they can drool over that blonde," Will said with a laugh. "I don't think we can let you be a companion though, Ice Fairy. You'd enjoy playing the 'what's this big button do?' game too much and rip a hole in time and space. Or worse, blow up a planet. Or twenty," he said with a giggle. Yes, the girl would even give the Eleventh Doctor a run for his money.

William smirked. "Well, you may have to show me around that 'Palace' of yours sometime then. Seeing as you are the Queen of Ice Fairies, I'm sure that this palace is very fitting of you."

"You already put me on the list? That's so sweet and thoughtful," he told her with a cute grin. "If we get to reserve places on this gigantic-brilliant-sounding couch, can I reserve a spot next to Miss Ice Fairy?" he asked, cheekiness dancing in his eyes. Funny how whenever he was around her, he always seemed to be grinning; she had that effect on him. It was like when he was around the beauty in front of him, he could forget all that was wrong as if they never existed. It was a wonderful feeling.

"First you're thinking: he'll never guess what I'm thinking. Then you're thinking: I'm having a nice time with this insane-nutter. And now you're thinking: however did he guess that," he told her cheekily, then gave her a charming grin. "So, how'd I do? Did I guess correctly?"
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:49 am

Girl's eyes went wide in excitement. "Oh yes! We could even pull off a reality show. Imagine how I could make blonde do stuff." she exclaimed excitedly. Maybe Sam could pull her television strings.
"Hey, I'm not that bad with buttons at all." she playfully smacked Will's arm. "Besides we'll have Jane for that. I've heard he can't just walk past any button without 'testing' it." her devious spark in eyes returned.
"Sure my Prince. You're welcomed to my 'Palace'." if it could be possible the girl would be glowing like a light bulb now.

"Yes, you are. Can you imagine how big it must be? I was warned about possibility of someone joining so I already ordered that fluffy pillow with our names on it, then we'll be granted to have our seats side by side." pink haired energy ball explained. She was though curious about Sam's mention. It was intriguing enough.

"Oh my holy chocolate muffins! You are psychic. Or had a drink with Jane. Or you've met Sam's legendary con-artist and taken his abilities." her eyes grew wide in surprise. He guessed her thoughts. Or were they typed on her forehead?
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:04 pm

William nodded excitedly. "Oh yes, can we? I've always wanted to host my own reality show. There'll be Madison dressing Patrick as the Doctor and dragging him for adventures around Miami, you locking him and Ryan together every couple of days for kink, poor Sammy trying to get you guys to behave but without much success. And then me, teaching little kids how to use sonic screwdrivers and fight Daleks. We'll earn millions, I tell you." On second thought it was a rather brilliant idea. Nothing brought fame like a reality show, even if that fame was only for fifteen minutes. Maybe they could make it; like every kid he'd dreamt of making a film - maybe now that could come true.

"Thank you. I'd bow and whip up an extra bouquet, but my Princely magic never seems to work at dinner. Besides, I fear that I'd upset the plates and glasses," he told her, his grin not wanting to leave his lips.

"That's cute. That's really cute - pillows with our names on it. I can't wait till this couch arrives. We'll do a couch-warming party. I'll bring the mock-champagne and the popcorn."

Will sent her another charming grin. "Told you. And you refused to believe me," he teased, sticking his tongue out at her playfully. "You kinda learn to hone your psychic skills in a job such as mine. But it's a great party trick, especially when in such lovely company as tonight."
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:06 am

"Oh I think Sammy will be thrilled to organize such thing. She knows people who knows people. And if Alexa happen to hear this she'll run to NYC and drag Sam's legendary buddy with or without anklet. And not only him. There's that wild guy in Hawaii and his partner with colourful expressions. I've heard legends. That'd be so epic. The most epic reality show in the world!" Michi exclaimed overly excited already. Some might get her wrong but only rare knew the backstory. She'd tell it Will one day. Not today, maybe.

"I know. Uber awesome! I'll make it purple with pink dots or something. It'll be biggest and fluffiest pillow. I can't wait that couch already. I'll be getting new bed too. Though when I finish design. I want it special. Ryan, of course, whined about money but Patrick promised to take care of that." girl kept rambling on. "Y'know? That's it! I'll start filming them. Will get camera from Sam's buddy and get them on action. Epic!" a new idea popped in her head.
She glanced around, "Well, I'd imagine that bucket. These people wouldn't understand. I know Patrick can help with upset plates but I shall learn that still." another mischievous grin.

"Yeah, you told. Do all people that joins our 'ohana' are psychics? Or only those are joining?" Mich joked.
She knew that certain professions asked this fancy from those who'd chosen that.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:03 pm

William gave a grin, seeing how excited Michelle was getting over the idea. Not that he could blame her; he thought it was a brilliant idea and would love to carry it out. Granted, there were some glitches with the plan, but they could possibly be worked out. "You really want to go through with it, huh?" he asked, eyes twinkling. He'd definitely be a part of it if the plan came into fruition. If he could get away from work long enough, that is.

"Make mine with fabric that has little bow-ties on it. Because bow-ties are cool," he said, quoting the Doctor, his eyes sparkling. One with bow-ties would be cool. Or with tiny TARDIS's, but he doubted such fabric existed.
"What kind of bed will it be? I'm guessing something like a four-poster bed? Sounds rather you-ish..."

"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten," Will replied with a grin, putting on a Stitch voice. "And that goes for us crazy psychics - we can't be forgotten, so we have to remind everyone about us every once in a while. Besides, isn't it awesome to have so many psychics in the gang? We might even be able to predict the lotto numbers some day," Will joked with a laugh, returning his voice back to normal.
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Michelle Foster
Michelle Foster

Age : 35
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:26 am

Mich gave a moment of fake shock face and then burst out in beaming grin. "Of course. And you'll be my partner in crime."
It'd be most epic scam ever. Wait, from where that word arrived? Shooking her head pink haired energy ball started to recall where all the hidden USB sticks, full of rather incriminating stuff, were.

"I'll get you whatever fabrics you wish. I think I still have those strings back at Boston and few in NYC." girl assured. Heck she could even make it federal lookout. It was good to have so many friends.

"Oh that bed will be only bit smaller than my room which is already huge. I think I measured it at least for five people fitting in all directions, so it's huge. And that couch will be one biggie too. After all we have so many people to get seated." the dreamy look spread in her eyes now.

"Wow, I'd even guess you've met our Hawaiian peeps. But your voice isn't one of Mr-crazy-neanderthal-SEAL-torpedo." she grinned. Though along Danno's 'arm expressions' the overall description of McGarrett would look more fun. Mich spotted a glance at the duo. Hell, even trained eye like hers thought they were steering same boat. Until it was explained otherwise.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:41 pm

“Wonderful. Partner in crime sounds most exciting. And if we get into trouble, I could bail us out with all my lawyer skills and knowledge. I knew all those years in law school would finally pay off,” he joked.

When she said she could get whatever fabric he wanted, Will gave a charming grin. “Perfect. I’ve always wanted a TARDIS cushion." Yes, he was a total fanboy; not that there seemed to be anything wrong with that. Fanboys were cool, just like Stetsons, bowties and bunk-beds; at least according to the Doctor. Though Will made so many references to the show at work even, that his colleagues were by this point contemplating calling him ‘the Doctor’.

William gave a smirk. “Why so big? Planning a 5-some to break in the new bed?” he teased. No, big beds were wonderful; it was awesome to be able to roll around in bed without falling off the bed or rolling onto someone and squashing them. “Since we know how we’re celebrating the couch, are we going to throw a party to celebrate the arrival of your new bed?” Actually, he had in mind a small present for her, if they did have a party or something.

He shook his head, slightly confused but not showing it. “I don’t know who that is, so no, I haven’t met them. I’ve just sat through ‘Lilo and Stitch’ heaps of times. I rather like Disney, though that’s not my favourite film. Actually, he wasn’t sure what his favourite Disney film was; he loved so many of the old Disney stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Lilies for Michi (Michelle)   Lilies for Michi (Michelle) Clock10

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