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 Fangirl City! (William)

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Maya Lewis
Maya Lewis

Age : 37
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Fangirl City! (William) Empty
PostSubject: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:27 pm

Maya had nothing to do with herself today, which was surprising, because usually she was up to her eyes in work. But since Ryan wasn't around and her sister wasn't either, Maya was pretty bored. She lounged around for quite a while, thinking about the most recent Doctor Who episode, which was on yesterday. She really wanted to fangirl about it, but she couldn't because there was nobody around and quite honestly she would rather speak to someone about this.

Oh! Of course! She could ask William if he was free to meet up. They were good friends, and she knew he'd let her fangirl. So Maya found her phone and texted William, hoping that he wasn't too busy. I need to fangirl. I must. Seriously, that episode was just...ahh! Are you busy? We could meet up if you're not :-) x

Once the text was sent, Maya lounged on the couch again, waiting patiently for a reply. She thought about Doctor Who again. Yesterday, watching it, she'd accidentally spoken out loud, saying "But--what--but she--no--just--but--what?!" but thankfully nobody was around then either. She lived mostly on her own, so it was all good, but if Ryan or Madison had been visiting...that would have been embarrassing.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
Posts : 94

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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:54 pm

Lunch-time. The only time that William got some escape from his work and have the chance to ignore what his job entailed. It wasn't as if he hated his job - on the contrary he enjoyed helping families sort their mess out. He especially liked it when he got to work on the side of the child, instead of for the parents. Children usually got screwed over so much by the legal system and William wanted to make sure that at least it didn't happen to any of the kids that went through his law firm.

But the job was stressful, not to mention emotionally draining. Broken families, abused children, abused spouses, family feuds - it all took a serious toll on a person. He found his area of law to be significantly more rewarding than criminal law (at least he didn't have to defend criminals and fight to keep them out of jail) and this was why he kept on doing it. So despite the fact that most nights he went home and slept like a bear in hibernation because he was that emotionally exhausted, he was never going to give up his job. Besides, every time one of those  sweet kiddies smiled at him, William's faith in humanity was restored. Especially if said kid was playing with one of Will's sonic screwdrivers at the time. He had a lot of those around his office, just for the wee ones.

Sipping at his coffee, he was absent-mindedly playing with a sonic while trying very hard not to think about the latest case he was working on. Of course he was failing rather miserably today, but he was saved when his phone buzzed, announcing a new message. He grinned when he saw the sender and her text. It had been forever since he'd seen Maya and got to geek out with her. He rather missed it. 'Cafe Rouge. I'll order the coffee and cheesecakes. No better food to geek to. That episode gave me such intense feels that it wasn't even funny. See you soon!'
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Maya Lewis
Maya Lewis

Age : 37
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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:28 am

Maya looked thoughtfully at the mini TARDIS toy she had on her table. Call her childish, but she just adored it. She had a lot of stuff in her Doctor Who collection, because she just adored the show. She'd been watching it for as long as she could remember. It had, 9 times out of 10, made her bawl, smile and laugh all at once, because she was just that into it. Many people thought she was strange because of it, but it was completely and utterly worth it.

She was just thinking about that when her phone rang out, indicating she had a text. She grabbed her phone, and opened the message. A big smile appeared on her face as she read it. She'd missed William, it had actually been quite a while since they'd last talked. She agreed with him on the intense feels but said nothing about it. She'd save that for when they were face to face. She tapped out a reply and sent it. Haha, you'd be surprised what it made me feel. Cheesecake and coffee! I can't refuse now. :-P See you in 10 x 

She pulled on her favorite black-wedge trainers, grabbed her bag, threw her phone, keys and purse in, and headed out. She drove down to the Rouge and got out, smiling as she spotted William. She walked over and grinned at him. "Hey stranger!" she said. "Long time no see!" she exclaimed. That was true; it had been quite a long time and Maya had actually really missed him. They were really good friends, so of course it was natural.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
Posts : 94

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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:00 am

Downing the last of his coffee, William got up and meandered over to the selection of cheesecakes on display. What to choose? Always such a hard choice... If he'd had a bottomless stomach like some of the weirdos you saw on TV who managed to eat 70 hotdogs in under ten minutes, he would have ordered at least five cheesecakes based on their delicious looks. Unfortunately (or fortunately, rather, as the case probably was) his stomach was normal-sized and five cheesecakes was not something he was going to attempt to eat, even if he was going to have help.

So finally he decided on a chocolate cheesecake and a berry one. Ordering a mocha for Maya and a hot chocolate for himself, he asked for the treats to be brought over to his table and began to wait. Not that he had to wait long. Very soon Maya's melodic voice was greeting him and William was beaming at his friend. Standing up, he enveloped her in a hug. "One more week and I would have totally forgotten what you looked like," he teased her, placing a friendly kiss on her cheek. "Actually, two days and I may have forgotten, what with my current case load."

Letting her go, he sat down, studying her. It had been way too long since they'd last met up for coffee or movies or well, anything, really. He wondered what was going on with her life. He really should have stayed in touch more but work came first. In all honesty, he had less of a social life now than he had when they had been together. But he seriously hoped that things would calm down soon. He missed having a personal life. "But enough about me. I've ordered cheesecakes and coffees so start the fangirl-feels-vent in 3...2...1... And go..!"
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Maya Lewis
Maya Lewis

Age : 37
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Posts : 93

Fangirl City! (William) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:10 am

Maya laughed and hugged him right back. At least they were in a comfortable friendship position nowadays. It could have been a lot worse. "I know, I know, everything's just been so hectic. We really should arrange to meet a lot more often. I missed you, McKinley." Maya said, grinning as they stepped apart. Then she sat opposite him, putting her bag at her feet, and she nodded. "I can understand that. Your job was always a busy one."

She laughed and nodded, grinning. Cheesecake and coffee...the two most amazing things ever, especially for geeking out with one of her best friends. "Oh, I'm excited for this." she said. When he started counting down, Maya chuckled fondly, and when he said go, she started her little rant.

"Okay, so, you know full well that I'm a sucker for Doctor/Clara. But oh my God. She's heroic and everything but personally, I think saving his life is something that River should have done, since she's his wife and she was still...kind of around, I suppose. But the ending was sort of sweet as well as leaving me hanging. Just...gah. I was literally at the point where I was asking the screen questions. Typical of Moffat, really, isn't it?" Maya said, with a sigh.

"I get the feeling they're going to make a relationship out of it, or something at least, because that ending...just...blah." she didn't have the correct words to describe it, but she was pretty sure William would understand.
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
Posts : 94

Fangirl City! (William) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:33 am

"I've missed you too, Lewis. You need to get out of the morgue more and drag me out from work. Because if you don't ever put the skulls down, and I don't put my legal dictionaries down, we're never going to meet. We'll meet at like 80, when we're both retired and old and all our favourite shows have been cancelled. And where's the fun in that?" No, that wouldn't be fun at all. He really did need to get out more. He was going to make it happen. Soonish.

William pulled a face when Maya mentioned the Doctor's wife. . "Don't get me started on River. She's just...gah, and not in a good way either." He'd tried to find a word to adequately describe his feelings for River Song but just failed. There were no words to describe how much the woman annoyed him. "She and the Doctor never should have gotten together. It should have been him and Amy. Now those two were utterly adorable together. But nooo, Miss River has to come along and screw up all of that." He gave an annoyed sniff. "Ramy was cute 'n' all, but meh. Amy/Eleven are so much better." 

At that moment their coffees arrived and Will stopped his rant to take a sip of his hot chocolate. He pulled a face as he tasted the coffee; the waitress had mixed up their drinks and he had been too far in rant-mode to even realise. He handed the cup over to Maya. "This one's yours. I'd make a comment about it having my goobers all over it, but you never used to have a problem with it before so..." he teased her, giving a nonchalant shrug. With any other ex, he would have felt awkward laughing and making reference to their past. But with Maya it didn't seem to matter. He felt so relaxed around her, felt like this was something they could tease each other about without one or the other getting offended. "Y'know, as far as I'm concerned, she's not married to the Doctor at all. She's married to the Tessellecta Doctor."
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Maya Lewis
Maya Lewis

Age : 37
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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:47 am

Maya laughed. "I'm sure I can make some arrangements." she said with a wink and a chuckle. This wasn't, in any way, flirting, they were just teasing each other and just in general being their normal selves. It was brilliant that it wasn't awkward at all, because normally, when you broke up with someone you weren't even civil to each other, let alone friends. But Maya and Will were good friends, even, and Maya loved that. "Oh God no, that would be horrible. We'd have to have like special chairs that flew or something in order to actually get to each other." she said, with a chuckle at the mere thought of the two whizzing about in chairs at the age of 80.

Maya nodded in agreement. That was one of the many things that made her and William get along so well; they both hated River and also shipped hardcore Amy/Eleven . Maya did like Clara/Eleven but she really did prefer Amy/Eleven. "Yes, I know! River's an utter Mary Sue, and she's far too...just too annoying and too utterly...gah." she said, using the last word as she couldn't think of anything else. Then she nodded. "Now, don't get me wrong, I got rather fond of Rory. But he just didn't suit Amy as much as Eleven does."

Maya was about to take a sip of the drink in front of her when she caught site of William's face and burst out laughing. He had the coffee, clearly. She grinned and pushed the hot chocolate over to him, and took the coffee when he held it out to her. At his teasing comment, she rolled her eyes fondly. "I didn't mind then and I don't now." she replied, taking a sip of her coffee and putting it in front of her. "Yes, the Tessellecta Doctor is the one who married River...and I still don't understand why. But d'you know what I really don't get? Why they didn't just keep Amy, get rid of Rory and put Clara in with Amy and Eleven. That way, because of Clara's stubbornness, Amy and Eleven would be together by now. She's the type that would probably force them together."
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William McKinley
William McKinley

Age : 41
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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:04 pm

"Y'know, it just felt like when River came along it stopped being the Doctor Who show and was instead the River Song (and Doctor) show. It was really annoying. And you're right, she's a total Mary Sue. Like, she tries to be a badass, but just fails. I really don't understand why so many people are so in love with her." He stopped for breath before thinking over how he felt about Rory. He was ok. A bit of a doormat but ok nonetheless. "By the end he grew on me. I mean, yeah, he acts like a totally lovesick puppy but he has his moments. Plus he waited outside that box for her. That was sweet."

He took a long drink of his hot chocolate and thought on Maya's words. Amy, along with Clara and the Doctor would have been the most epic pairing since the Classic Who pairings. He tolerated the new companions, but he didn't like them as much as the old companions. Especially Ace. She was wicked. Always blowing crap up. "That would have been beyond epic," he admitted with a grin. "Amy and Clara travelling with the Doctor would have been the most epic trio since the Harry Potter three. And when they eventually did get together, their pairing would be sweeter than Will/Elizabeth," he finished with a determined nod. 
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Maya Lewis
Maya Lewis

Age : 37
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PostSubject: Re: Fangirl City! (William)   Fangirl City! (William) Clock10Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:14 pm

Maya nodded and sipped her coffee again. "Yes, I completely agree with you. Everyone's like, oh it's so sad she died! And I'm just sitting there, clapping and thanking Moffat for it. I really think the Doctor needs to go see a psychologist or something. There's something wrong with his brain if he wants River Song as his wife, of all the people in the world!" she said. "If RTD was still writing, then River would probably be his long lost sister or something. But nooooo. Since it's Moffat, he just had to make Eleven settle down with the wanna-be badass, frizzy haired Mary Sue." Maya was annoyed, but she wasn't going to extremes, like she would have if she'd ever met River Song. Sadly, that wasn't going to happen. Maya could make sure River never set foot on Doctor Who ever again, if they met. Make it happen! she thought to herself jokingly.

Maya took a longer sip of her coffee and nodded, swallowing it in order to speak. "Oh God yes. The Doctor Who trio...that would have been hilarious...but someone would have to make sure that Amy and Clara didn't flirt...because they really would." she said, with a chuckle. Maya nodded again. "Well, Will/Elizabeth was a little too..." she made a gesture with her hands as if trying to find a word to characterize it.
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